Fort Apocalypse 2010?

Seems like I've put this project on ice way longer than planned. I'm once again back in business. I've decided that this project will be based on D3D, or rather D3DX. This is unfortunately not very portable, so I know I disappoint users on alternative platforms. I'm really sorry about that, but I will consider more portable options in the future.

Hopefully this is not going to be more demanding than what Windows-emulators can do in for example Linux.

So, how far am I?
I'm currently working on my tile engine, and after that I think it's time to start applying some game logic to this thing. I've been writing a little bit on this project every day for the last 6 or 7 days. IRC and other net-related stuff is taking the focus away from this, but I'm slowly getting somewhere. I'm in no rush. Let's see if this makes it to the surface this time :-)


Friday 29th of September 2006, 04:13am

Yup, I decided to actually do this... I didn't get very far before I realised that I had forgotten about everything I ever learned about Direct3D, so I have to read up a bit on the subject. It isn't like I knew that much before either though :)

I also found someone to draw the graphics for the game, which is really good news since I belong to those who can't even draw a straight line on paper... not even with a ruler. Maybe I can trick someone into making some music too? I have ideas... and the person will hear from me sooner or later... ;)

Until next time, keep wishing me good luck with this.. I think I need it...

Sunday 24th of September 2006, 00:55am

It was time, after a lot of nagging on others to do a PC conversion of this fabolous game, which didn't lead anywhere, to start thinking of doing it myself. I was really hoping to avoid that, because:

1. I'm a lazy bastard, so I might not ever finish the projects I start

2. I'm afraid that spending time on creating the game will make me go tired of it, which would be sad since it's one of my definitive favourites. By any signs of this I will resign from the project...

3. It is indeed more fun to PLAY the games than to be programming them :)

Anyway, here I am, and I decided to at least try. Sadly for many of you, I have already decided that I will be using DirectX, so it won't be very portable. The final result might work well under WineX, Cedega or similar, though. So here we go... wish me luck :)